Thursday, August 8, 2013

Living Is Like Rock Climbing...

It's Always Good to Have a Backup Plan

   Looking back over the years I have noticed that things change rather quickly.  Relationships, job situations, beliefs, theories, and most importantly to me how we look at the world and the events that take place in it.  It is always a good idea to tie a knot at the end of your rope just in case.

          Sometimes you just say whatever comes to mind.  The majority of the time you speak what is closest to your heart.  Often times our voice is muffled by the thoughts and opinions of others which tends to change you into something you are not.  When we typically silence ourselves for whatever reason we are indeed changing who we are.  Holding your tongue is a good thing sometimes but walking on egg shells is not.  Understand me when I say that it is never a good thing to change yourself for the benefit of someone else.  People who genuinely care about or love you can totally disagree with you but still respect you and keep the bonds between you tight!  Change your opinions and ideas based on how you feel and where you want to go in your life as well as who you will allow to walk with you on your journey.  Change is inevitable but at the same time that is where your knot at the end of your rope comes in.  Your knot is the very last resort before falling, a fail safe in case you step out on a limb and it breaks under pressure.

          In relationships I've found that your true family will always be there for you.  Some of us may have to adopt relatives depending on how your family interacts with each other.  Every family is not a picture perfect example.  If your beliefs or theories change you should always remember what you initially believed in just as a guideline if not anything else in case you are the type that 'straddles the fence' on issues a lot. 

          Please understand I am not telling you to be suspicious of people or to be so overbearing that you can not be reasoned with.  I simply want you to enjoy your life as content as you can be.  I find that the more I surround myself with people who are secure with themselves the stronger I become by following their example and learning what they know but my knot is the margin that keeps me from becoming someone else or falling into who I used to be.

        "It's only when I opened my eyes that I saw my potential."
                                                                           -Carl Randolph                 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

And This Is My Oubliette...

   The Oubliette, a place of forgetting as defined by the French.  We all have a part of ourselves trapped away in the depths of a dungeon.  Mistakes made, things we would rather forget, secrets that we keep chained at the bottom... Isn't it better to just let it all out?  Whatever is in the dark eventually comes to light and just as the oubliettes of old, light is shed even into the deepest of cells almost as if it were calling to whatever is trapped.
   It is almost certain that we all have did things we were not proud of and we all have mistakes to deal with whether it is in the present, near, or far future.  There are some things a rehabilitation facility can not solve and being carted off to a correction facility would be overkill. I am talking about the addictions and crimes we commit within our minds, hearts, and socially.  We tend to throw ourselves into the oubliette so we will not have to remember bad choices but there is still light shining into the calaboose, beckoning us to step into the light which is far better than being immured within the confines of your own prison.  Whatever we keep locked away can not benefit us.  That does not necessarily mean you have to blurt out all your personal secrets but that we should reflect on mistakes and mishaps so that we have a clear understanding as to how that situation came about as well as how to prevent a reoccurring incident. 
  We can better ourselves by simply committing to an effort to be the best person we can be whether it is morally, physically, mentally, or emotionally.  A committed attitude simply keeps you out of the clink.  When you can go home at the end of the day with a clear conscience knowing you stuck to your commitments you sleep a lot better.   Sometimes it may come the point where overly critical people will not forgive a mistake and we have to live with it.  For example your boss may not understand why you refused extra work and certainly did not appreciate you telling him how poorly ran his company is. Although you just did not want to work over time you, like the majority of people, got offended and started making excuses why you were not going to stay late after normal hours.  From this point you have two or three options 1.) go to work everyday like nothing happened but the impression you left upon your boss will eventually come to head, 2.) get it out in the open and apologize and hope that management won't try to 'punish' you in spite of the apology (which some do), 3.) find another place of employment unless you know you can not afford to do that.

   A foot in the mouth prevents you from walking, which is probably the reason why so many people fall into an oubliette in the first place.  Choose your words carefully and if you find yourself in enclosed in a deep dark pit climb out.  I am sure others you care about, and those who care about you can boost you out of the prison because they are probably down there with you and if not it is always good to have someone on the outside to help you, not to look down on you, as they are in a position to, but throw down a life line.

As always be blessed...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Chinks In The Armour

Chinks In The Armour 

  Sometimes it becomes necessary to sit back and evaluate one's own motivations.  After all the pep talks and inspiring words of wisdom we give others we ourselves still fall short of who we are at certain times, under certain conditions, and when we simply just miss the mark.  We can ignore the truth and think that our outer protection, our armor, our persona, integrity, our social profile is intact when in all reality it needs mending.

   When knights were prevalent a suit of armor was very important and much more costly than we could ever know by watching Game of Thrones or First Knight.  The fact of the matter is that skilled fighters and duly knighted men sold farms and land just to have a complete set.  Today you would not sell your house or commend your children to a life of servitude (slavery) just for an Armani suit.  The very thought is ridiculous!  But these men had to go into the fray of battle, they could not drop a missile remotely from 4000 miles away from the comfort of their straw and mud cottage.  So with some respect to that I have to 'give them a pass' for being brave enough to stand there knowing war was a game of numbers and the possibility of return was slim.

    Today we wear armor all the time.  The Christian wears his or her spiritual armor.  Your boss wears his big, bad, blow your house down armor.  Your children wear the hand-me-down armor you gave them and that very same armor your parents gave to you.  Well, those of us who were blessed enough to have parents that were there to give you armor.  "What are you talking about?  What is all this parabolic talk of armor?" you are saying to yourself.  I am talking about hats dude.  "Good Lord, now I am really confused!" You exclaim as you scroll down a few paragraphs to see if I have anything of value to convey.

   We all know the expression of 'A Man of Many Hats' right?  A jack of all trades and a master of none.  This is the expression of a person that becomes all things to all men.  Not in such a way that you lose sight of yourself (supposedly), but in the sense that you are a versatile being. Now, what has that to do with 'armor'?  Everything.  Our armor is what other people see when we put on a show, a facade, a ruse to change how people perceive us.  It is perfectly natural and I am not condemning anyone, it is just an observation I have made throughout the years.  But also it IS who we are and how we think.  I could say my father's armor was bright and shinny but had a hint of alcohol to it, a chink in the armor.  While nobody is perfect that goes double for the armor, the persona, they put on.  Dad was a great machinist, welder, and morally sound man... uhm, except for that corn liquor he was always hitting in the garage when he thought my mom was not looking.  A chink in the armor.  In medieval times a chink could get you killed.  A precise blow could and a lot of times probably did expose the wearer to greater dangers. This is how we wear our priorities and morals and sometimes our alter-egos.  

  When who we are and how we are living does not add up to the armor we are wearing a conflict is eventually going to occur.  First with ourselves, whether or not we have any conscience or moral capacities.  Secondly with the people around us.  Credibility is incredible.  It is the only thing that can add to the measure of a man without him or her doing anything special and at the same time if effort is used as a catalyst for a person's credentials of life that person has far better chances of seceding in life and relationships.

  When we have a conflict within ourselves we often beat our heads into the wall because it seems we are being attacked when in all reality we are battling with our self.  It is hard work to keep up with 100 pounds of armor when you can only comfortably wear 50 pounds.  That is like when you are out in public and you see a woman with a dirty child.  He is running around, tearing up things, being loud, and generally aggravating everyone then he picks up something off the ground and puts it into his mouth.  The first thing the mother says is "Don't put that in your mouth!  It's filthy." Okay, where were you when the kid was running around, tearing up things, yelling, and screaming?  That is not your armor.  Not for real.  Like it or not she is NOT the good parent that she would like everyone to believe she is.  Does she love her child?  I do not know, but that has nothing to do with it, stay on topic.  Now do you see what I am trying to sayLet us say she is a good parent but just swamped with her everyday, mundane tasks, that is still a chink in the armor.  Take it to the blacksmith and mend it.

   We should make sure that our armor is custom fitted.  If you want to look like the Knight In Shining Armour then be that knight in everything that you do. Do not make excuses give reasons and your life will be much simpler. Know your limitations and keep your friends and family close.  Iron sharpens iron.  Do not be afraid to tell close people that you are having a bad day, do not say that everything is alright when it is truly going to hell and back.  I am not giving anyone a 'pity party pass', nobody wants to hear your problems everyday or every week for that matter.  You should change your armor and live up to its stature, if you do not have that armor or can not sell the farm and children, then custom build it one piece at a time until it is complete and mind the gaps.  We can be everything that we need to be, to everyone that needs us to be what we need to be.  A lot of people are depending on you whether you know it or not, whether you choose to believe it or not. People are not generally concerned about your online personality, most of us are not anywhere close to what we represent with a bunch of pictures, videos, and blogs and that is okay (for online).  The real test is in the real world and the battle is at hand whether it is for family or friends, country or world, rich or poor and we need to be fully armored to accomplish what we intend.  

Friday, May 10, 2013

When To Use Italics


  Being human is complicated enough but the events that take place are often trivial yet they seem to complicate things even more. How much time we spend in trying to fix our problems, maintain relationships, as well as make time for other people tends to determine how far we go in life.  Giving some thought to the time needed to enjoy life and/or simply having personal time is pretty much far and in between all the obstacles in our path to happiness.

Never let it be said of you that your good deeds or intentions fell short of accomplishing that in which it was intended.  Miscommunications and misunderstandings are normal but they are never an excuse for complacent behavior.  If you say you are going to do something then you should do it or at least try to perform the task to your best ability.  This is one of the reasons why previous generations excelled.  People had a greater sense of duty and responsibility and the very thought of accomplishment did not have a big pay off at the end of the day.  Some may argue that this is the state of our current generation because they go to work for low pay, poor benefits, and live paycheck to paycheck just for their family to survive.  I do not personally believe that this generation even puts forth the same effort our parents and grandparents have. To become something more than what you were yesterday should be a priority.  No, I do not mean that everyday you have to come up with some life changing doctrine or invent some contraption that everyone needs, we just need to use the mind that God gave us for something more than tweeting, adding a plus, and liking.

Simply renewing your mind, advocating for the little guy at work, just taking time to think about how you can make the work place safer for you and your co-workers, or speaking up for yourself can place you in a position to excel from your current circumstances, position, or dull existence. In all reality that is the key.  If you're doing the same thing you were doing yesterday then you are more or less treading water and the possibility of you reaching shore is probably a figment of your imagination. 

   When we create more memories life seems to slow down. If you do not believe me try it.  I am sure plenty of you have used the phrase "Today has just flown by".  Take time to give a little more thought to what you are doing, change how you are going to do it, and evaluate the end result.  This is something I do regularly, what can I say except that it works.  Sometimes it is just a good idea to drive the long way to work, listen to music outside of your normal genre, or speak to someone you only see in passing. 

So, how do we move forward in an economy that seems to be a one way street?  How do we move forward in a company where there does not seem to be any room for advancement?  Is there a way to maintain relationships when there is basically no time for self yet alone for the fulfillment of others happiness? The reason we want and do not receive is because we do not ask.  Now, this is a spiritual thing but it is a natural truth.  If you want a new position at your company or a raise in salary, ask.  If there is no room for advancement carefully start looking for a new job and  ask plenty of questions when you apply.  Please make sure to know what your true abilities, strengths, and weaknesses are before you commit to a job you can not handle.  If you do not have the necessary skills, then obtain them.  There is nothing worse than finding out you are not as equipped or skilled for a position that you can not perform.  Go to a trade school and learn something new. "But I have a family to support and I am tired after work." you say.  That is nothing more than an excuse.  Our bodies are not pushed to the absolute limitations on a daily basis, we have just become lazy and apathetic.  I am not being critical I am just expressing the current state of mind of many people in this present date and time.

  If our lives are fulfilling the world becomes a better place. This does not simply apply financially but practically as well.  Most people who are content seldom strive with others and is not that what we all want?  To live at peace with one another is what it all boils down to and it starts with personal satisfaction.

Friday, May 3, 2013

What Is Wrong With Ubuntu...

If You Are Migrating From Windows, This Is How You Typically Feel When Dealing With Ubuntu Users

    What is wrong with Ubuntu?  This is not a list of things that the publishers of the software need to correct.  This is not a Microsoft propaganda machine.  It is a quick post breaking down the failure of Ubuntu's ideology through the majority its user's inability to adopt the designer's concept.  The basic internet definition of the word is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It also means 'I am what I am because of who we all are'. The Ubuntu operating system was intended to  bring the spirit of Ubuntu to the world of computers.  There is only one problem in my opinion, humanity is not even ready to embrace the theology behind Ubuntu's concept.

   Ubuntu users are the worst type of computer users because primarily every user thinks of him/herself as some kind of genius when in essence they have forgotten they used to be a noob just like everyone else.  I am sure many will disagree with me and claim Ubuntu users are more generous, caring, and understanding than the people on the Microsoft forums but in reality there is no difference, people are people.  And I garantee there are more flavors of people than there are flavors of Linux.

    Humanity to others... please.  You can not even voice your opinion without some rabid Ubuntu user foaming at the mouth trying to force you to think the software is at the top of the food chain when it comes to operating systems, when in essence Ubuntu is like one huge application more than an Operating System.  Honestly, there is nothing in Ubuntu that I can do that I can not in Windows.  Windows just is the better beast when it comes to the average consumer.  I don't have to track down drivers, everything works right out the box whereas when you choose to try Ubuntu you will have to jump through hoops just to get hardware to work.  When and if you try to state this opinion in a forum you get all sorts of wailing and gnashing of teeth, 'pure hell'.  This alone proves my point that the users of the OS are not even in tune with the ideology.

   If  'I am what I am because of who we all are,' then I am lost and confused without any recourse except for Bill Gates and +Robin Jacobs ☺ and discriminated against because of my lack of knowledge.  Do not get me wrong, there are many helpful and friendly people all over the web, but a few bad apples... ah, you know the rest.  In closing I just would like to say that if you actually support the Ubuntu OS why not adopt the ideology behind it?  Yeah, it is cool to see all the fancy wallpapers with the penguin destroying something labeled Microsoft.  It amazes me that everything is free including some really good software but I am more impressed with Ubuntu's original goals than all of that.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Inhumane Society

  When push comes to shove... Granny just might break a hip!  Okay, okay.  Before you string me up on the tree for saying that, first just know that I was simply trying to make a point.  We have come so far in our society that the more common things (the lessons learned from a generation soon to be passed) we often take for granite.  Remember when everybody in your neighborhood knew whose child you were?  Your friends' mothers and fathers let you call them by their first name and rarely was there a time you were ever hungry because Rolanda invited you to eat every time you walked into her home with your best friend.  It was never a thought as to whether saying "Yes, sir" or "No, Ma'am" meant you were being a nerd.  Think back to the time of when the street light came on and everyone made a mad dash to the front porch or the end result would be a strap across the butt.  That  thrashing administered as punishment did not make me a person hardened by cruel and unusual punishment, it made me a better man. Nothing is wrong with a good spanking now and then but that's another tale to tell though.

  We tend to get so busy in our everyday life that we can not take time to check in with our grandparents, parents, and adult children.  Nothing is THAT important but we keep on lying to ourselves whether it is we will call them or stop by next week only to let the days, hours, and minutes gradually slip away.  When and if a tragedy occurs then we want to beat ourselves up because we did not spend enough time with them or did not get a chance to tell them how much they meant (mean) to us.  That is your own conscious' burden.

  Since the public availability of cellular phones we have more or less made our lives busy.  There used to be a time when any and everything could wait until you got home.  Now, people end up killing themselves trying to text someone while they are driving just to say they are driving home.  I would say they deserved to die, but then the readers would send me hate mail and not share this important message. Yes, that is cruel but when you think about it if a person dies while sending text messages while driving they must have had a death wish.   Yes, I will be the first to admit that I have and probably will continue to send text messages while driving down the road in a semi-truck. I have had a death wish since Desert Storm but that is a different blog, you just stay focused and know we all have a little hypocrite in us.

  Face it, we have become more digitally linked with people than physically linked to people that it is not any excitement in the anticipation of seeing them in person.  I mean seriously, we talk to them on MyFace and SpaceBook all day, make plans to meet up, talk to them as we are getting dressed, chit chat with them while driving to meet them, then get there and talk about what somebody else said on the social network... This crap is getting out of hand.  Not saying that the social network is all bad but we have to admit it is taking some of the excitement and realism out of our lives.  Even if it does not bother you, it irks me so I am blogging about it, "Don't You Judge Me!"  So I guess I will be one of those old guys watering the lawn and talking about the weather to my neighbor for an hour all the while complaining about the other neighbor's kid's stereo system waking me up while taking my afternoon nap.  Yikes!

    I purposely 'ASK' people in my social circles questions.  I know, I know.  That is strange to a large majority of people in this day and time but never the less that is what I do.  Do not tell me to 'Google' it, maybe I'd like to get my information in lay man's terms or I want to keep the lines of communication open and make my social experience more personal.  I think I know what the concept is of Googling (why isn't this word in my dictionary?), yet and still I prefer to ask.  This does not mean that everyone asking a question online is lazy, a large percent maybe but still quit being so critical, leave that to me, I am good at it.

  Yep, I am rambling on this one but I will still bring it back to this...  It would be a nice thing to be sociable on a social network, to relate to our relatives, and be friends with friends on our friends lists.  This would make our society much more humane, since in all reality it has become more and more inhumane because of what the technology has allowed us to share.  We are desensitized by explosions and death.  Being in a relationship or having sex is like playing a  game of musical chairs and nothing much is left to the imagination. We have gotten to the point where it is all shock value or nothing.  It is all flash and bling or it is boring.  We spend more time trying to impress people online and investigating conspiracies than we do talking to our kids.  I am not talking to any one specifically but I am speaking from where I live.  But you know what? I choose to change, for my family, friends, and community. What about you?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Caveman Rebellion

Grupos Étnicos

   A club over the head would not feel pleasant, I could never chuck my spear at another human unless I knew I was going to have to use it.  If anyone tries to hurt my family I will pick up a sling and fling a rock at them... a big rock.  Come on, this is not 2000 B.C. yet and still the people of this world are a little more than cavemen, dare I say barbarians in this present time.

  It is 2013 and where we thought that we would be flying space crafts like the Jetsons by now, we rarely find an opportunity to get our feet off the ground with social issues.  Racism in all its splendor and glory accomplishes nothing but never the less still exists.  It breeds like a virus and it only thrives for the time it is entertained.  As a young adult I thought that the generation of prejudice would die out and we would be free.  I am pretty sure my grandchildren will face the same obstacles I have.  Why?  Prejudice is a really big deal whether you are Black, White, Indian, Indonesian, Spanish, Mexican, Russian, Iranian, Iraqi, or whatever.  Classification starts at the moment of conception, infects us at birth, and plagues us all our life.

  The fact of the matter is that we draw our opinions mostly from what we see and hear.  Just because I have prejudice parents does not mean I am going to grow up to be a bigot, but there's a big chance of that actually happening.  Why?  I believe it is because we all have prejudice in us from birth.  It is inherited. What?  I am wrong?  Hell, your cat is prejudice.  You don't believe that either? Hmmph.  Well, put it in a closed room with a pit bull and you may be surprised. "No that dog is the prejudice one, he'll eat my cat... Cats are nice people." You say in great clamor as I pet my dog's head.  Fish stick with their kind, birds with theirs.  Is this the way it is supposed to be?  You will no doubt argue the fact that humans in our most primitive form are far superior than animals.  Hmmph.  Then why do we do the same things animals do?  For the most part we form groups and choose friends as well as sides simply because we relate to people but how much of that is dependent upon race?  The perfect example is the last two Presidential Elections in the United States.  And for the record 'black people', you really did not get Obama elected... he just raised enough money but I do commend you for voting even if it was for the wrong reason, but that's another story...

  It is time for people, especially Americans, to stop racism, prejudice, and mental segregation.  Yep, we live in a segregated society in our minds.  There may not be a sign posted but spiritually they are there.  Am I talking about the black man being suppressed 400+ years? NO! Get out of here with that.  Am I talking about all the white jobs are going to the Nigras and Mexicans?  LOL, no, not that either.  Am I talking about the Chinese running over people in the crosswalks? Not hardly.  Everyone of you people have a Race Card, some just work better than others, some do not work at all yet people will still throw it down because there is nothing else in their hand.

   In closing I would simply say that those who have been or would be against this movement are the modern day cavemen rebelling against a movement that would bring peace to a destructive society.  Yes, there are problems that need to be addressed that seem to be linked to specific races but I believe in what Glovers4Christ on said, and I quote  "Some anthropologists teach that there are three distinct races in the world. These three they identify as: Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid. In truth these theories are derived from natural selection and evolutionary theories that seek to elevate some people groups above others. There is in fact one race; we are called humans."

   Spread Some Love

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


   People in the United States, for the most part, try to remain indifferent on many issues.  I tend to think that this is nothing but apathy in its rawest form, but is this true?  Maybe not depending upon how you look at it.  If a person looks upon an immoral issue and express no concern they should be immediately branded as being indifferent to that issue.  Many times they are not.

  What happens for the most part is that many people do not feel you are being indifferent but difficult or that you have some reservations about a particular issue that you do not want aired out.   We fall under suspicion of our friends, family, and co-workers and get socially dissected under a very powerful microscope.  This happens because of two things.  One, people tend to feel most comfortable when someone is on their side.  Half of the reason most people even ask your opinion on a specific issue is because they believe for whatever reason that you are apt to be on their side.  Two, people are judgmental.  We all know the truth of this, even if  we do not want to admit it.   Have you ever been invited into a conversation with a group of people and the majority sided with you in your impartial views on a subject, yet that one person that disagrees with you gets an attitude and swears up and down that you have some reservations that you are not openly blurting out?  Sometimes that is true.  To be fair, we would be foolish to run head first into a conversation of chaos and confusion that we think would lead to a lot of hate and contention.  This does not mean that we should hold our tongue and walk on egg shells, I am simply saying we should think before we speak.  That is even becoming a problem with today's social networks looming over our every thought but that's another post for another time.

   When we are truly indifferent about issues we really need to check our reasoning just to be sure we are right in our decision on being indifferent.   Someone may say being indifferent is not a decision.  Well, okay, if you say so... but people would still say you were sycophant.  No one can be indifferent just for the sake of being indifferent.

   We should have answers for people who shove a camera in our face and ask us why we are attending rallies and demonstrations.  We have to be accountable to the words that we use.  We need to be accountable towards our motives and character as well as our actions.  Look at being indifferent as a small tear in your jeans, the more you wash those jeans the bigger the tear becomes until eventually everyone can see what is underneath the material.  This is when the conclusions are drawn.  Along with this comes the topic of discretion but that is another topic...


I love you all and keep you in my prayers as always...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Consider Your Skills For Revolution

   No matter what we do in life as a profession or a career we all have a skill that can be put to use for the good of the nation.  In the event of a social break down of society Americans should be prepared.  Your skills would be needed if the anticipated second civil war is made manifest.  Consider what you can do and form groups that expressly believe in the upholding of The Constitution of the United States.

   Here in Kentucky we are forming the Independent Owner Operators Line a group of owner/operator truck drivers solely for the purpose of supplying food, clothing, building material, transportation services, equipment, and other vital necessities to ensure that Americans will always have the certain inalienable rights our forefathers and mothers have fought for.   Our intent is to work closely with other IOOL members in neighboring states to provide an unbreakable chain of organized logistics.  Networking is the key.  Theoretically, we would only need 1 driver from each of the 48 continental states, imagine what hundreds of drivers could do. Having the vehicles is not enough.  Who will load those vehicles, who will ride with the drivers, who will supply food and clothing? This is why I am asking every true patriot to consider your skills for revolution.

   Every movement starts with networking.  Get out and talk with people and be an active member in your community.  The time to prepare is not when catastrophe or disaster strikes.  The time for talking is about the problem is over! We need to diligently take action in solving those problems. 

   If you are interested in the Independent Owner Operators Line feel free to contact us via email at

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Rally For The Cause


   It is very interesting to know that in 2012 many countries have had demonstrations against The United States.  When I think of demonstrations, protests, and rallies outside of America I usually imagine 3 - 5 goat herders in a field burning a flag or something similar to that.  The fact is that in the past week I have been trying to find good information to pass along to Americans about organizing for demonstrations, protests, or rallies and have found that other countries actually come together more frequently than Americans to support a cause.  We must change this if we want to preserve our Constitution.  I dare you to Google demonstrations, protests, and rallies. LOL.  You will find very few search results that indicate a successful American demonstration.

   When we see other countries burning our flag and putting together Anti-American protests we should feel an obligation to change this.  It is foolish for us to let corrupt government dictate how the nation looks as a whole.  We The People are just as much responsible for the actions our elected officials take as we are in putting them in office and letting them continue in this madness.

   I can not say that American Media is totally blameless.  The media in America is simply a weapon used by this current set of corrupt government officials who need to be replaced.  To get the true story never rely on one source for your information.  I have found that reading other news from other countries puts missing pieces to the puzzle in perspective.  With Google Translate it is easy to get news articles in English.

   Have you ever noticed how many people bash The United States just in everyday web browsing?  I think we can change this if we put the right people in place.  People like Jesse Ventura, David VanDerBeek who do not compromise in what they say and are brave enough to rise to the challenge.  The people we trust can not do it alone so I would encourage you to read the following articles in the links below which tell you how to organize a rally, then take action and do it.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Who, What, When, Why, and WTF...

    I have recently been educating myself on the many issues of the world today and had been left feeling helpless.  I would have to admit that I am a better follower than a leader, as many of us are but just don't want to be remembered as mediocre or the face in the crowd.  Ever heard of too many Indian Chiefs? Well, any way that's a different story...

    In this blog, which is to be the first of many,  I will be helping Americans like myself who always wondered 'Who will lead us?', 'What can I do to help?', 'When to meet, form, or support, various political demonstrations?', 'Why are political issues and laws working against the people?', and 'WTF does congress, state legislators, and the Presidency think they are doing?'

     Make no mistake, you can not just read a bunch of articles and watch some YouTube videos then walk up to the White House and sit down with the President and make him change things.  You need people behind you to help position yourself.  A lot of good citizens of the United States have radio broadcasts, public access shows, and much more at your disposal, which is a good source of information, but if you do not use that information and "TAKE ACTION" you are in essence part of the problem.  Am I judging you?   No.  As I have said I was in the same boat.  Amassing great knowledge and doing nothing with it.  Yes, to go to work and bitch about the way things are and share information that you have learned is awesome, but in reality if anyone is not going to organize and demonstrate nothing will ever come from all this information that we have readily at our fingertips.   Everyone knows the issues now is time to take action.  And that's what we will do, starting with this blog.

-Spared Parts