Thursday, April 25, 2013

Caveman Rebellion

Grupos Étnicos

   A club over the head would not feel pleasant, I could never chuck my spear at another human unless I knew I was going to have to use it.  If anyone tries to hurt my family I will pick up a sling and fling a rock at them... a big rock.  Come on, this is not 2000 B.C. yet and still the people of this world are a little more than cavemen, dare I say barbarians in this present time.

  It is 2013 and where we thought that we would be flying space crafts like the Jetsons by now, we rarely find an opportunity to get our feet off the ground with social issues.  Racism in all its splendor and glory accomplishes nothing but never the less still exists.  It breeds like a virus and it only thrives for the time it is entertained.  As a young adult I thought that the generation of prejudice would die out and we would be free.  I am pretty sure my grandchildren will face the same obstacles I have.  Why?  Prejudice is a really big deal whether you are Black, White, Indian, Indonesian, Spanish, Mexican, Russian, Iranian, Iraqi, or whatever.  Classification starts at the moment of conception, infects us at birth, and plagues us all our life.

  The fact of the matter is that we draw our opinions mostly from what we see and hear.  Just because I have prejudice parents does not mean I am going to grow up to be a bigot, but there's a big chance of that actually happening.  Why?  I believe it is because we all have prejudice in us from birth.  It is inherited. What?  I am wrong?  Hell, your cat is prejudice.  You don't believe that either? Hmmph.  Well, put it in a closed room with a pit bull and you may be surprised. "No that dog is the prejudice one, he'll eat my cat... Cats are nice people." You say in great clamor as I pet my dog's head.  Fish stick with their kind, birds with theirs.  Is this the way it is supposed to be?  You will no doubt argue the fact that humans in our most primitive form are far superior than animals.  Hmmph.  Then why do we do the same things animals do?  For the most part we form groups and choose friends as well as sides simply because we relate to people but how much of that is dependent upon race?  The perfect example is the last two Presidential Elections in the United States.  And for the record 'black people', you really did not get Obama elected... he just raised enough money but I do commend you for voting even if it was for the wrong reason, but that's another story...

  It is time for people, especially Americans, to stop racism, prejudice, and mental segregation.  Yep, we live in a segregated society in our minds.  There may not be a sign posted but spiritually they are there.  Am I talking about the black man being suppressed 400+ years? NO! Get out of here with that.  Am I talking about all the white jobs are going to the Nigras and Mexicans?  LOL, no, not that either.  Am I talking about the Chinese running over people in the crosswalks? Not hardly.  Everyone of you people have a Race Card, some just work better than others, some do not work at all yet people will still throw it down because there is nothing else in their hand.

   In closing I would simply say that those who have been or would be against this movement are the modern day cavemen rebelling against a movement that would bring peace to a destructive society.  Yes, there are problems that need to be addressed that seem to be linked to specific races but I believe in what Glovers4Christ on said, and I quote  "Some anthropologists teach that there are three distinct races in the world. These three they identify as: Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid. In truth these theories are derived from natural selection and evolutionary theories that seek to elevate some people groups above others. There is in fact one race; we are called humans."

   Spread Some Love

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