Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Inhumane Society

  When push comes to shove... Granny just might break a hip!  Okay, okay.  Before you string me up on the tree for saying that, first just know that I was simply trying to make a point.  We have come so far in our society that the more common things (the lessons learned from a generation soon to be passed) we often take for granite.  Remember when everybody in your neighborhood knew whose child you were?  Your friends' mothers and fathers let you call them by their first name and rarely was there a time you were ever hungry because Rolanda invited you to eat every time you walked into her home with your best friend.  It was never a thought as to whether saying "Yes, sir" or "No, Ma'am" meant you were being a nerd.  Think back to the time of when the street light came on and everyone made a mad dash to the front porch or the end result would be a strap across the butt.  That  thrashing administered as punishment did not make me a person hardened by cruel and unusual punishment, it made me a better man. Nothing is wrong with a good spanking now and then but that's another tale to tell though.

  We tend to get so busy in our everyday life that we can not take time to check in with our grandparents, parents, and adult children.  Nothing is THAT important but we keep on lying to ourselves whether it is we will call them or stop by next week only to let the days, hours, and minutes gradually slip away.  When and if a tragedy occurs then we want to beat ourselves up because we did not spend enough time with them or did not get a chance to tell them how much they meant (mean) to us.  That is your own conscious' burden.

  Since the public availability of cellular phones we have more or less made our lives busy.  There used to be a time when any and everything could wait until you got home.  Now, people end up killing themselves trying to text someone while they are driving just to say they are driving home.  I would say they deserved to die, but then the readers would send me hate mail and not share this important message. Yes, that is cruel but when you think about it if a person dies while sending text messages while driving they must have had a death wish.   Yes, I will be the first to admit that I have and probably will continue to send text messages while driving down the road in a semi-truck. I have had a death wish since Desert Storm but that is a different blog, you just stay focused and know we all have a little hypocrite in us.

  Face it, we have become more digitally linked with people than physically linked to people that it is not any excitement in the anticipation of seeing them in person.  I mean seriously, we talk to them on MyFace and SpaceBook all day, make plans to meet up, talk to them as we are getting dressed, chit chat with them while driving to meet them, then get there and talk about what somebody else said on the social network... This crap is getting out of hand.  Not saying that the social network is all bad but we have to admit it is taking some of the excitement and realism out of our lives.  Even if it does not bother you, it irks me so I am blogging about it, "Don't You Judge Me!"  So I guess I will be one of those old guys watering the lawn and talking about the weather to my neighbor for an hour all the while complaining about the other neighbor's kid's stereo system waking me up while taking my afternoon nap.  Yikes!

    I purposely 'ASK' people in my social circles questions.  I know, I know.  That is strange to a large majority of people in this day and time but never the less that is what I do.  Do not tell me to 'Google' it, maybe I'd like to get my information in lay man's terms or I want to keep the lines of communication open and make my social experience more personal.  I think I know what the concept is of Googling (why isn't this word in my dictionary?), yet and still I prefer to ask.  This does not mean that everyone asking a question online is lazy, a large percent maybe but still quit being so critical, leave that to me, I am good at it.

  Yep, I am rambling on this one but I will still bring it back to this...  It would be a nice thing to be sociable on a social network, to relate to our relatives, and be friends with friends on our friends lists.  This would make our society much more humane, since in all reality it has become more and more inhumane because of what the technology has allowed us to share.  We are desensitized by explosions and death.  Being in a relationship or having sex is like playing a  game of musical chairs and nothing much is left to the imagination. We have gotten to the point where it is all shock value or nothing.  It is all flash and bling or it is boring.  We spend more time trying to impress people online and investigating conspiracies than we do talking to our kids.  I am not talking to any one specifically but I am speaking from where I live.  But you know what? I choose to change, for my family, friends, and community. What about you?

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