Friday, May 3, 2013

What Is Wrong With Ubuntu...

If You Are Migrating From Windows, This Is How You Typically Feel When Dealing With Ubuntu Users

    What is wrong with Ubuntu?  This is not a list of things that the publishers of the software need to correct.  This is not a Microsoft propaganda machine.  It is a quick post breaking down the failure of Ubuntu's ideology through the majority its user's inability to adopt the designer's concept.  The basic internet definition of the word is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. It also means 'I am what I am because of who we all are'. The Ubuntu operating system was intended to  bring the spirit of Ubuntu to the world of computers.  There is only one problem in my opinion, humanity is not even ready to embrace the theology behind Ubuntu's concept.

   Ubuntu users are the worst type of computer users because primarily every user thinks of him/herself as some kind of genius when in essence they have forgotten they used to be a noob just like everyone else.  I am sure many will disagree with me and claim Ubuntu users are more generous, caring, and understanding than the people on the Microsoft forums but in reality there is no difference, people are people.  And I garantee there are more flavors of people than there are flavors of Linux.

    Humanity to others... please.  You can not even voice your opinion without some rabid Ubuntu user foaming at the mouth trying to force you to think the software is at the top of the food chain when it comes to operating systems, when in essence Ubuntu is like one huge application more than an Operating System.  Honestly, there is nothing in Ubuntu that I can do that I can not in Windows.  Windows just is the better beast when it comes to the average consumer.  I don't have to track down drivers, everything works right out the box whereas when you choose to try Ubuntu you will have to jump through hoops just to get hardware to work.  When and if you try to state this opinion in a forum you get all sorts of wailing and gnashing of teeth, 'pure hell'.  This alone proves my point that the users of the OS are not even in tune with the ideology.

   If  'I am what I am because of who we all are,' then I am lost and confused without any recourse except for Bill Gates and +Robin Jacobs ☺ and discriminated against because of my lack of knowledge.  Do not get me wrong, there are many helpful and friendly people all over the web, but a few bad apples... ah, you know the rest.  In closing I just would like to say that if you actually support the Ubuntu OS why not adopt the ideology behind it?  Yeah, it is cool to see all the fancy wallpapers with the penguin destroying something labeled Microsoft.  It amazes me that everything is free including some really good software but I am more impressed with Ubuntu's original goals than all of that.

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