Thursday, August 8, 2013

Living Is Like Rock Climbing...

It's Always Good to Have a Backup Plan

   Looking back over the years I have noticed that things change rather quickly.  Relationships, job situations, beliefs, theories, and most importantly to me how we look at the world and the events that take place in it.  It is always a good idea to tie a knot at the end of your rope just in case.

          Sometimes you just say whatever comes to mind.  The majority of the time you speak what is closest to your heart.  Often times our voice is muffled by the thoughts and opinions of others which tends to change you into something you are not.  When we typically silence ourselves for whatever reason we are indeed changing who we are.  Holding your tongue is a good thing sometimes but walking on egg shells is not.  Understand me when I say that it is never a good thing to change yourself for the benefit of someone else.  People who genuinely care about or love you can totally disagree with you but still respect you and keep the bonds between you tight!  Change your opinions and ideas based on how you feel and where you want to go in your life as well as who you will allow to walk with you on your journey.  Change is inevitable but at the same time that is where your knot at the end of your rope comes in.  Your knot is the very last resort before falling, a fail safe in case you step out on a limb and it breaks under pressure.

          In relationships I've found that your true family will always be there for you.  Some of us may have to adopt relatives depending on how your family interacts with each other.  Every family is not a picture perfect example.  If your beliefs or theories change you should always remember what you initially believed in just as a guideline if not anything else in case you are the type that 'straddles the fence' on issues a lot. 

          Please understand I am not telling you to be suspicious of people or to be so overbearing that you can not be reasoned with.  I simply want you to enjoy your life as content as you can be.  I find that the more I surround myself with people who are secure with themselves the stronger I become by following their example and learning what they know but my knot is the margin that keeps me from becoming someone else or falling into who I used to be.

        "It's only when I opened my eyes that I saw my potential."
                                                                           -Carl Randolph                 

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