Sunday, March 10, 2013

The Who, What, When, Why, and WTF...

    I have recently been educating myself on the many issues of the world today and had been left feeling helpless.  I would have to admit that I am a better follower than a leader, as many of us are but just don't want to be remembered as mediocre or the face in the crowd.  Ever heard of too many Indian Chiefs? Well, any way that's a different story...

    In this blog, which is to be the first of many,  I will be helping Americans like myself who always wondered 'Who will lead us?', 'What can I do to help?', 'When to meet, form, or support, various political demonstrations?', 'Why are political issues and laws working against the people?', and 'WTF does congress, state legislators, and the Presidency think they are doing?'

     Make no mistake, you can not just read a bunch of articles and watch some YouTube videos then walk up to the White House and sit down with the President and make him change things.  You need people behind you to help position yourself.  A lot of good citizens of the United States have radio broadcasts, public access shows, and much more at your disposal, which is a good source of information, but if you do not use that information and "TAKE ACTION" you are in essence part of the problem.  Am I judging you?   No.  As I have said I was in the same boat.  Amassing great knowledge and doing nothing with it.  Yes, to go to work and bitch about the way things are and share information that you have learned is awesome, but in reality if anyone is not going to organize and demonstrate nothing will ever come from all this information that we have readily at our fingertips.   Everyone knows the issues now is time to take action.  And that's what we will do, starting with this blog.

-Spared Parts

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