Sunday, March 17, 2013

Rally For The Cause


   It is very interesting to know that in 2012 many countries have had demonstrations against The United States.  When I think of demonstrations, protests, and rallies outside of America I usually imagine 3 - 5 goat herders in a field burning a flag or something similar to that.  The fact is that in the past week I have been trying to find good information to pass along to Americans about organizing for demonstrations, protests, or rallies and have found that other countries actually come together more frequently than Americans to support a cause.  We must change this if we want to preserve our Constitution.  I dare you to Google demonstrations, protests, and rallies. LOL.  You will find very few search results that indicate a successful American demonstration.

   When we see other countries burning our flag and putting together Anti-American protests we should feel an obligation to change this.  It is foolish for us to let corrupt government dictate how the nation looks as a whole.  We The People are just as much responsible for the actions our elected officials take as we are in putting them in office and letting them continue in this madness.

   I can not say that American Media is totally blameless.  The media in America is simply a weapon used by this current set of corrupt government officials who need to be replaced.  To get the true story never rely on one source for your information.  I have found that reading other news from other countries puts missing pieces to the puzzle in perspective.  With Google Translate it is easy to get news articles in English.

   Have you ever noticed how many people bash The United States just in everyday web browsing?  I think we can change this if we put the right people in place.  People like Jesse Ventura, David VanDerBeek who do not compromise in what they say and are brave enough to rise to the challenge.  The people we trust can not do it alone so I would encourage you to read the following articles in the links below which tell you how to organize a rally, then take action and do it.

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